Tuesday, January 8, 2013


We've been juicing. A lot. At least two meals a day. At first, we were very strict to follow recipes. Not so much anymore. Every evening after dinner, we make our breakfast and lunch juices for the following day.

Each of the following combinations makes roughly two eight-ounce glasses of juice. (Plus a little more for tasting, and sometimes Isaiah wants some, too.)

Breakfast today:
1 pomegranate
1 grapefruit
4 kale leaves
4 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 mango

Lunch today:
(this was awful... don't ever try it)
1/2 head red cabbage
4 cups baby spinach
4 stalks celery
1/2 bunch collard greens
(Really, this was pretty awful. I bet it would have tasted better with some carrots or an apple or lemon or something. But as it was, I had to water it down with about 10 ounces of water to get it all down.)

Breakfast yesterday:
1 pomegranate
1 grapefruit
4 kale leaves
1 stalk celery
1 carrot
1 apple
1/2 bunch purple grapes

Lunch yesterday:
(Oh my, this one was GREAT)
4 cups spinach
1 clove garlic
1 tomato
1 pear
2 stalks celery
2 carrots
2 kale leaves

Breakfast tomorrow:
1 pineapple
1 pomegranate (they were on sale this week!)
4 kale leaves
1 carrot
1 stalk celery

Lunch tomorrow:
1 jalapeno
1 garlic clove
1/2 head romaine lettuce
2 apples
3 carrots
3 stalks celery
2 cucumbers

Things I've learned:

1. Having kale (a high in protein leafy green) in the morning REALLY fills me up. Today I was seriously not hungry until after noon, and I drank my morning juice around 6 a.m. and I had some herbal tea around 10 a.m.

2. I love fresh juice. LOVE it. I look forward to breakfast and lunch each day. I look forward to creating more fresh juice. (Tomorrow we're making cranberry-grape juice!)

3. When we're taking care of our bodies with fresh fruits and veggies in the morning and afternoon, we're WAY more likely to eat a healthy dinner as well. Last night we created quinoa-black bean burgers, and everyone liked them.

4. Our grocery bill has gone up. But our waistlines have not.

5. Next winter we'll be looking to grow a lot of hardy winter greens in our gardens.

6. Tim HATES beet juice. OMG, it was hysterical. He likes beets, but not juice.

7. Fresh juice is beautiful. The colors are pretty amazing.

8. My compost bins are LOVING that we're juicing so much.

9. The number one question I am asked is "What do you do about protein?" I have been eating an increasingly vegan diet over the last couple of years and I can tell you, I never lack for protein. I think it's a big misconception that you have to eat meat, dairy, or eggs to get protein. (See this and this and this.) I feel full and I still exercise every single day without feeling like I'm too tired. Actually, just the opposite. As 2013 dawned and we decided to give juicing a try, we also cut coffee out of our diets. As in, cold turkey, one day I drank a pot and the next day (and every day since) I have had no coffee. I love coffee. I plan to start drinking it again at some point. But for now, I find that I get enough energy for my (very) long days from juice, healthy snacks, and a healthy family dinner.

10. I also get asked a lot, "How do you have time for that? Juicing takes up so much time." Well, it does, but so does preparing any other meal. It is a mindset. We decided we wanted to do it. Together. So we make time. And really, it's been a lot of fun to be in the kitchen with Tim acting like mad scientists creating juice concoctions. We're having fun. We're together. Sometimes, those moments are the only moments we have together in a day because of the kids and the activities and the fact that we work different shifts.

11. Wear an apron when you cut the fruits and veggies. Especially pomegranates.

12. Juicing is not for everyone. I'm 100% certain Esther-Faith will NEVER drink kale juice. And Isaac will never drink ANYTHING green. But Isaiah will try anything. So far, he's liked most of it as well.

I'm sure we'll learn more on this juicing journey. I'm sure we'll take a break. I'm sure we'll make some hideously awful juices. And some absolutely delicious juices. I'll share what I can.

© 2013 Karin Shirey Henn, all rights reserved. 
Copyright notice: All content, including writings, artwork, photographs, or videos, posted on this blog is original to Karin Shirey Henn and the HennHouse unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission.

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